Sunday, 24 June 2012


It was like quicksand,
The more I tried to get out,
The deeper I sank.

What had gotten me here in the first place?
I thought to myself.
Was it the sympathetic smiles? Or my Utopian expectations?

It happened when an unexpected catastrophe dawned upon us.
Not knowing where to go from there,
Clueless and feeble, I accepted life’s challenge.
What I didn’t know,
Was that this challenge would never end.

In times of solitude, I sought a friend.
One who would ease the pain,
And walk me through this bewildering maze.

And friend after friend,
I was lucky enough to form my own little world.
They held my hand and helped me solve the mysteries of life.
And in a matter of days,
They became my perfect little family.  

But little did I know,
That nothing lasts forever,
I held on to them like precious gems,
Only to find out,
They had plans of their own.

They were all destined to achieve their great things;
Unfortunately, i found myself missing,
From their equation of greatness.

And it hit me.
It hit me like a time bomb.
What had I done?
Why had I gotten myself sucked into this whirlpool?
Out of which, it was hard to get out.
This addiction, this belief, this trust, this reliance?
It was no less than a quicksand.
The more I tried to get out, the deeper I sank.

And I asked God,
“Why do you give me happiness,
 When you intend to take it away eventually?”
“Why does this life revolve around the expense of losing my loved ones?”
Is it fair really?
To be left alone to combat the evils of this world?

But it was too late for questions,
As the quicksand had already swallowed me deep within,
Deep within where there was no escape. 

Monday, 16 April 2012

It is time..

It is time.
Time to let go, time to move on,
For you have protected me from the evils of this world,
Since far too long.
Once upon a time, came a storm.
A storm so calamitous, that it rid me of all my treasures.
It took away the shelter from above my head, the earth from under my feet.
In front of my eyes, I saw my perfect life deform,
With nothing more left than mere defeat.
Amidst all the despair,
along you came,
and wiped from my eyes,
every single tear.
no less than an angel from up above,
You nurtured me and pampered me,
And showered me with affection and love.
You took care of me like my own,
Every time I’d put myself to blame,
You would frown.
You picked me whenever I would fall,
When faced with the tiniest trouble,
To you I would crawl.
Laughter, smiles, and lots of care,
You battled my every fear,
You brought peace to my soul,
And gave me the strength to strive,
To you I owe my sanity,
To you I owe my life.
Words are too little to express my gratitude,
My mother sent you from up above,
Of that I’m sure,
But every good journey must come to an end,
and today we must part ways my friend.
Come rain or come shine,
I pray that our bond will remain intact,
In you, I found my family,
Something that I will never forget.
But it is time.
Time to let go, time to move on,
For you have protected me from the evils of this world,
Since far too long.